Ettifos will participate in one of the first system-level demonstrations showcasing the
readiness of direct 5G-V2X communication for commercial deployment.
The South Korean V2X solutions provider will join with key industry partners on Thursday,
October 24 for the demonstration organized by the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) as
part of its 32nd Meeting Week in Berlin.
By bringing together leading OEMs Audi and BMW with tier 1 supplier Bosch, chip manufacturer Autotalks, and device makers, the demonstration will validate the existence of an interoperable 5G-V2X ecosystem utilizing direct communication (PC5).
Proving reliable interoperability between all stakeholders is key in assuring policymakers
that direct 5G-V2X communication is ready for implementation on public roads, and is hoped to create a necessary push for government action that results in mandates for large-scale
deployments globally.
To prove such readiness, the demonstration will show that a reliable and high-bandwidth
transmission is possible through 5G-V2X direct communication, together with ETSI release 2
messages, allowing for advanced V2X use cases and safety applications.
Speaking about Ettifos’ participation, Yongtae Park, the company’s Chief Technology Officer,
“Ettifos is proud to be part of this groundbreaking demonstration. Our participation highlights
our success with previous 5G-V2X deployments, and Ettifos’ commitment to advancing the
5G-V2X ecosystem.
“By collaborating with leading OEMs and industry partners, we are taking a significant step
towards the commercial deployment of 5G-V2X solutions, enabling many advanced use cases for
further enhanced road safety and efficiency.
“This demonstration is not just a technical showcase; it's a vital catalyst for policy change and
industry standards that will shape the future of smart transportation."
If you would like to visit the demonstration as a guest of Ettifos, or find out more, please