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EU Policies and Initiatives for Connected Mobility

By: Natasha Taylor


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As part of the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) Roadmap, a number of policies, initiatives, and projects have been presented to highlight the EU’s “strong experience in funding collaborative research in the field of CCAM”.

Within each of the policies, initiatives, or projects, there is the potential for the development of CCAM, allowing the goals set out in the ERTRAC Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility Roadmap to be achieved up until 2050, where automated vehicles play a key role in society for safer, smarter and more sustainable roads.

An overview of the long-term development of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility in Europe, including the vision and goals to be achieved up until 2050, as supported by the policies, projects, and initiatives set out above, can be found here.

EU Policies

EU Mobility Strategy

The 3rd Mobility Package, published in 2018, outlines key actions on governance, funding, roads, vehicles, road use, emergency response, emerging challenges and the global role of the EU. Here, the European Commission provided objectives and actions to accelerate the deployment of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility - the ambition of making Europe a world leader in this domain was also set here.

In 2020, the publication of The Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy further highlighted the importance of connectivity and automation within the transport system across Europe in the future. The strategy highlighted specific use casesthat are important in relation to public policy that is to be implemented over the following decade.

EU Digital Strategy

European Green Deal

EU Instruments and Platforms

CCAM Platform

Referred to as an expert platform, the European Commission established the single platform across the EU for Open Road Testing and Pre-deployment of CCAM.

Launched in June 2019, it brought together both public and private stakeholders to coordinate CCAM testing on public roads with the aim of developing a European research program for CCAM and a subsequent European partnership, focused on by ‘Working Group 1’.

A second working group focused on coordinating research, testing activities, developing a common evaluation methodology (CEM), and a data sharing network. Additionally, four other working groups addressed physical and digital infrastructure, road safety, cybersecurity and access to in-vehicle data and connectivity.

Within all working groups, a scoping paper was produced to analyze the current state of each area, in addition to gaps with subsequent actions and recommendations put forward to address the remaining challenges in relation to the testing and deployment of CCAM across Europe.

Horizon Europe & CCAM Partnership

Other related European Partnerships


ITS Directive and C-ITS

CEF and C-Roads

European Regional Development Fund

European Territorial Cooperation: Interreg

Coordination and Support Actions


Funded by the European Commission, ARCADE is focused on the alignment of research and innovation activities for a harmonized deployment of Connected and Automated Driving (CAD).

The Coordination and Support Action brings together stakeholders and contributes to the Trilateral EU-US-Japan Working Group on Automation in Road Transport (ART).

ARCADE has supported ERTRAC through the organization of conferences, support of the CAD Roadmap development, and through workshops aimed at supporting the evaluation of methodology, data sharing, edge cases and international cooperation in relation to vehicle technologies.

The main outcome of ARCADE is an online EU-wide knowledge base that serves as an exhaustive resource for all activities related to CCAM across Europe and beyond by including R&I projects, lessons learned, roadmaps, strategies, standards and guidelines on evaluation methodologies and data sharing.





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